Weight Assessment Tool
Step #1
Please move the slider to the picture and descriptions that best represent your dog
- Ribs, spine, pelvis and all bony prominences visible from a distance.
- No body fat. Significant loss of muscle mass.
- Ribs, lumbar spine and pelvis easily visible.
- No body fat. Some loss of muscle mass.
- Ribs and top of lumbar spine visible. Obvious waist and abdominal tuck.
- Ribs and spine easy to palpate with no overlying fat. Pelvic bones becoming prominent.
- Waist easily noted when viewed from above. Abdominal tuck evident. Ribs may be visible.
- Ribs and spine easily palpable with light touch. Minimal fat covering.
- Waist observed when viewed from above (hourglass figure). Abdominal tuck evident. Ribs may be just visible.
- Ribs and spine palpable by light touch -without excess fat covering, underside of neck and chest not cushioned by fat.
- Waist line not clear -when viewed from above. Only slight abdominal tuck present. Ribs not visible.
- Ribs are palpable but with excess fat covering (padded layer between skin and ribs).
- Waist absent – no hourglass figure. Tummy not tucked-slight upwards slope to hindquarters may be apparent. Noticeable fat deposits over lumbar area and base of tail.
- Ribs palpated with difficulty – heavy fat cover. Fat pads palpated on anterior chest/ lower back and base of tail.
- No waist, no abdominal tuck, abdominal distension may be apparent.
- Ribs not palpable under heavy fat cover or felt only with significant pressure. Heavy fat deposits over back/ chest and tail base.
- Tummy bulges outwards when viewed from above. Abdomen sags when viewed from the side. Obvious abdominal distension.
- Ribs and spine impossible to feel. Heavy fat pads felt on neck/anterior chest/back/upper limbs and base of spine.
Step #2
Please enter in your dog's current body weight: